
Get support by following the hashtag on LinkedIn

The Recruiting Gym's #MeetYourRecruiter is designed to help all recruiters - both agency and in-house - to increase their profile on LinkedIn.

If you cannot make it to the live sessions where we share a prompt word and give you some inspiration, you can watch the replays in the course, at a speed you choose ;-)

Alternatively, choose a past session that focuses on your current area of interest - ideal for managers and team leaders to pick a topic that all members of their team can work on together and increase their profile reach.  

Just use the search bar.

Follow the hashtag on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/feed/hashtag/meetyourrecruiter/

What You Get

See what you get by joining in with #MeetYourRecruiter

  • 20 sessions every year

  • Access to previous 50+ sessions

  • Ability to ask coaches questions on the live shows

  • Support from the industry as a whole

Our areas of expertise

All our trainers & coaches have years, if not decades of recruitment experience

  • Mindset, Mental Health & Wellbeing

    Recruiting is a stressful job.
    Each day we help Recruiters develop the right mindset as they encounter the recruitment roller coaster.

  • Business Development Skills

    We teach Recruiters the mindset, strategy & skills to find & win new clients then retain & grow existing clients in all market conditions.
    Join sessions such as #MeetYourRecruiter here, to get your personal brand out there.

  • Candidate Sourcing
    & Relationship Building

    We help Recruiters develop a robust sourcing strategy that enables them to find, engage and bring to market the candidates that clients cannot find themselves

  • Opportunity Conversion
    & Service Delivery

    We show Recruiters how to continually improve their fill ratio through prioritisation, client relationship building and proactively managing placement risk in the process - whether you're in-house or agency

  • Leadership
    & Management

    We support all Managers to develop their teams to be high-performing, improve the performance and skills of the individuals & create a strategy to facilitate the growth of the business itself.

  • Digital Marketing, Branding & Social Media

    We have coaches who currently work in this field and can focus on what's happening right now in social media, what's new on LinkedIn and how to get your name out there - whether that's individually or as a company.

Course curriculum

    1. You

    2. Desk with Alan Clarke

    3. Culture with Charlotte Crookes

    4. Celebrate with Alex Moyle

    5. Luck

    6. Origin

    7. Tour

    8. Mission with Christina Robinson

    9. Influence with Alan Clarke

    10. Review with Clare Davis

    11. New

    12. Partnerships with Charlotte Crookes

    13. Lead with John Russell

    14. Growth with Vanessa Raath

    15. Reflect with Stephen O'Donnell

    16. 3 Fun Facts with Charlotte Crookes

    17. A job with Rohit Kapoor

    18. Something valuable

    19. Industry News

    20. Your Thoughts with Kate O'Neill

    21. Portrait

    22. Job

    23. Top Tip

    24. Remote

    25. At the end of the year I want to feel...

    26. Fancy

    27. Trick

    28. Name

    29. Ghosting

    30. Fear

    31. Profile Pictures

    32. Jobs with benefits

    33. Update

    34. Rejection

    35. Photo DUMP

    36. Be Human

    37. Be Curious with Vanessa Raath

    38. Be Proactive with Jon Brooks

    39. Be Better with Clare Davis

    40. Reintroduce Yourself with Natalie Wells

    41. Job Opportunity

    42. Top Tip for Hiring Managers

    43. Topical with Rohit Kapoor

    44. Numbers

    45. 2023

    46. CV Top Tips

    47. New Job

    48. Zeitgeist

    49. 2024

    50. Inspiration

    51. Equal Pay with Jo Phillips

    52. 'In the Pink'

    53. International Recruiters Day... and Book!

    54. Challenge

    55. Individuality

    56. TEAM

    57. Interview Tips

    58. Job Share

    59. Half Year

    1. Top Tips for Jobseekers E-book

    2. How To Deal With Rejection E-book

    3. Top Tips for Hiring Managers E-book

    4. Top Tips for CVs E-book

About this course

  • Free
  • 63 lessons
  • 14 hours of video content

Our #MeetYourRecruiter Creator

Katharine Robinson

Sourcing Coach Katharine Robinson

Hi, I’m Katharine, a talent sourcer with 15 years of experience combing the web to find great candidates.

My sourcing training helps recruitment teams be bolder with the tools they use to look for and engage candidates. By combining your industry knowledge with expertly crafted search tactics, together we will get more candidates into jobs they love.

IMPORTANTLY, I STILL SOURCE: Given how quickly the world of technology and sourcing changes, I still spend over half my year engaged in sourcing projects or contracts finding some of the hardest to source skillsets in the world.

Next #MeetYourRecruiter sessions (24 - 28 Jun)

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