Onboarding new starters - Recruitment Consultant

The first 6 months covered for you

Trying to onboard and induct a new recruitment consultant into your company is hard enough, let alone when you're doing it remotely.

For an individual to start contributing to the 'bottom line', they need to experience success as quickly as possible.

Angela Cripps has been writing onboarding programs for recruitment companies for 15 years and she'll share all the essential elements you need to get your new starter billing in their probation period.

Course curriculum

    1. Message from the instructor

    2. How to navigate and get the most from this online course

    3. Before we begin...

    4. The proven benefits of this course

    5. What does writing an Induction Program involve?

    6. Getting started - workouts

    1. Let's get real!

    2. What resources do you have?

    3. Who are the key stakeholders?

    4. Your People Plan

    5. Career Plans

    6. Your internal recruitment process

    7. Additional resource: The Recruitment Commission handbook

    1. Setting objectives & assessments

    2. What do you want them to achieve and by when?

    3. Setting Expectations - minimum acceptable standards (MAS)

    4. Assessing competency levels in the first 6 months (MAS spreadsheet)

    5. Assessment documents

    1. Using the schedule during the 6 months

    2. Flexibility is the key

    3. Schedule - Workout

    1. Briefing documents

    1. The Performance Management Meetings - Weekly 1-1s

    2. The Performance Management Meetings - Monthly Performance Reviews

    3. The Performance Management Meetings - Quarterly Business Reviews

About this course

  • £595.00
  • 33 lessons

Why our online training works

  • Online support from a coach

    This is more than self-service training. Angela & the Recruiting Gym coaches include 3 x 1-1 coaching sessions as part of the fuller course, to help answer your questions and tackle your challenges, putting the theory into action.

  • Learning from others

    The Recruiting Gym is a worldwide community and everyone has been in the same situation at some point - starting at a new company, so you gain information & support from other people's discussions and queries as well.

  • Documents and downloads

    The online course is supported by videos, quizzes and presentations with over 65 pages of assessments, schedules and documents to be downloaded and utilised in your business.