Recruiting Gym DW Lite

Your easy access to the free sessions
from the Daily Workout course

The Recruiting Gym's DW Lite is all of the free sessions from the Daily Workout, gathered in one place for you to access them easily. 

Our coaches share the latest best practices, proven skills training and strategies to succeed in today's market.

Angela Cripps, Clare Davis, Katharine Robinson, Vanessa Raath, Rebecca Davis, Alex Moyle, Christina Robinson, Jon Brooks and Kate O'Neill are all extremely experienced in the recruitment industry.

Over 50+ guests make appearances as well.

The Daily Workout takes place at 9 am (London) every workday morning (the Tue, Wed and Thu training sessions are usually pre-recorded and available in the Recruiting Gym course, to work through at a time that suits you).

Choose a session that focuses on your current area of business need - ideal for managers and team leaders to pick a topic that all members of their team can view and work on together.  

Just use the search bar.

High-Intensity Impact Training

Knowledge Shared

In the Recruiting Gym we're here to make our industry a better place

  • Access to 100+ sessions - ideal for CPD

  • Ability to ask coaches questions on the live shows

  • Ability to ask coaches questions in the discussions boxes on each session in the course

  • Resourcing training

  • Business Development training

  • Leadership & Management training

  • Delivery & Conversion training

  • Mental Health & Wellbeing training

  • Marketing & Branding

  • Book Club - recommendations

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to DW Lite

    2. Click here to watch the shows on Crowdcast

    3. Some lovely words about the Daily Workout

    4. Where it all started... #1 - Tue 17 Mar 2020 - C.I.A & Client Questions

    1. Over to you...

    2. Need some inspiration - here's some of the 100+ courses available in the Gym

    1. #88 - Wed 22 July - Proactive vs Reactive Sourcing

    2. #93 - Wed 29 July - You’re on LinkedIn, but where else should you be?

    3. #123 - Wed 9 Sep - Direct Sourcing Calls to Candidates

    4. #197 - Tue 22 Dec - "Is Your LinkedIn Profile Helping or Hurting You?"

    5. #198 - Wed 23 Dec - LinkedIn Sourcing Challenges with special guest Martin Lee of SourcingX

    6. #199 - Thu 24 Dec - Sending LinkedIn Messages That Get Replies

    7. #205 - Fri 1 Jan - Daily stand-up - Updates from Recruiters that do really well on LinkedIn with Mr LinkedIn - Mark Williams

    8. #211 - Mon 11 Jan - The Gym coaches discuss this week's focus is on 'negotiation' - your clients, your candidates, yourself

    9. #213 - Weds 13 Jan - 'The Bargaining Arena' with Angela and Katharine

    10. #215 - Fri 15 Jan - Reviewing the week of the 'negotiation' training sessions and answering your questions

    11. #279 - Monday 19 Apr - Katharine Robinson with tips from her sourcing challenge

    1. #1 - Tue 17 Mar 2020 - C.I.A & Client Questions

    2. #31 - Thurs 30 April - Creating Value By Understanding Client Needs

    3. #38 - Tues 12 May - How to Recognise The Potential For Retainers with Alan Clarke

    4. #196 - Mon 21 Dec - number 12 - Winning Retained Business with Alan Clarke

    5. #202 - Tue 29 Dec - Dealing with Gatekeepers from the Business Development Fundamentals course

    6. #211 - Mon 11 Jan - The Gym coaches discuss this week's focus is on 'negotiation' - your clients, your candidates, yourself

    7. #212 - Tue 12 Jan - Essential tips for successful client negotiation with Alan

    8. #215 - Fri 15 Jan - Reviewing the week of the 'negotiation' training sessions and answering your questions

    9. #382 - 14 Sep - Jon Brooks talks about his new course Win/Win Negotiation

    10. Copy of #564 - Thu 9 Jun - Nicky Coffin discusses her book Rockit Your Recruitment Business

    11. Copy of #709 - Wed 11 Jan - Business Development Week Sam Wilson from OneUp Sales

    12. Copy of #728 - Tue 7 Feb - JobAdder's Takeover Week - The art of cold calling potential clients: Rik Packer

    13. Copy of #729 - Wed 8 Feb - JobAdder's Takeover Week - Turning opportunities into wins - Rob Brodie

    14. Copy of #731 - Fri 10 Feb - JobAdder's Takeover Week - Retaining clients in turbulent time - Idris Kamara

    15. Copy of #794 - Firefish Takeover Week - Business Development for recruiters

    1. Copy of #756 - 17 Mar - LinkedIn Week - Angela and Katharine wrap up LinkedIn Week and discuss LinkedIn groups

    2. Copy of #755 - 16 Mar - LinkedIn Week - Katharine and Mark Williams (Mr. LinkedIn) discuss LinkedIn updates

    3. Copy of #754 - 15 Mar - LinkedIn Week - Katharine and Vanessa Raath discuss LinkedIn updates

    4. Copy of #753 - 14 Mar - LinkedIn Week - Katharine and Hannah Dobson from LinkedIn - LinkedIn Recruiter

    5. Copy of #752 - 13 Mar - LinkedIn Week with Katharine and Angela - To Pay or Not To Pay?

    6. Copy of #693 - Fri 8 Dec - LinkedIn Week with Katharine and Angela - Summary of the Week

    7. Copy of #690 - Tue 6 Dec - LinkedIn Week with Katharine and Rohit Kapoor - Algorithms in LinkedIn

    8. Copy of #689 - Mon 5 Dec - LinkedIn Week with Katharine and Angela - Welcome to LinkedIn Week

    9. #643 - Fri 30 Sep - LinkedIn Week with Katharine Robinson - Upgrading your LinkedIn Profile

    10. #642 - Thu 29 Sep - LinkedIn Week with Katharine Robinson - Follow vs Connect and Creator Mode

    11. #641 - Wed 28 Sep - LinkedIn Week with Katharine Robinson - What makes a good LinkedIn profile?

    12. #640 - Tue 27 Sep - LinkedIn Week with Katharine Robinson - New LinkedIn Features

    13. #639 - Mon 26 Sep - LinkedIn Week with Katharine Robinson - Candidate Look-Up

    14. #575 - Fri 24 Jun - TEAM Conference and LinkedIn Newsletters with Katharine, Angela and Charlotte

    15. #574 - Thu 23 Jun - LinkedIn searching with Katharine and Angela

    16. #573 - Wed 22 Jun - Rohit Kapoor of Paiger discusses LinkedIn Creator mode

    17. #572 - Tue 21 Jun - Katharine Robinson and Alex Charraeudeu discuss recruitment demand, population and more

    18. #571 - Mon 20 Jun - LinkedIn stats for inMail with Katharine Robinson and Vanessa Raath

    19. #513 - Wed 23 Mar - LinkedIn Update with Katharine Robinson and Kevin Armstrong

    20. #512 - Tue 22 Mar - LinkedIn Update with Katharine Robinson and Rohit Kapoor

    21. #511 - Mon 21 Mar - LinkedIn Update with Katharine Robinson and Alex Charraudeau

    22. #426 - Mon 15 Nov - Katharine invites guest Alex Charraudeau from LinkedIn to share his knowledge

    23. #402 - Christina talks about LinkedIn and company pages

    1. #6 - Tues 24 March - Celebrating Little Victories

    2. #13 - Thurs 2 April - How To Keep A Positive Mindset

    3. #55 - Fri 5 June - The Role Teamwork Plays In Maintaining Positive Mental Health

    4. #75 - Friday 3rd July - Alex & Clare share successes, suicide and positive brainwashing in a mental health special

    5. #84 - Thurs 16 July - Let's Talk About Menopause... with Guest Lauren Chiren

    6. #95 - Fri 31 July - Mental Health Back to Basics

    7. #155 - Fri 23 Oct - Clare interviews Angela and Rebecca on the potentially devastating effects of Menopause

    8. #186 - Mon 7 Dec - Guest Takeover week with Lauren Chiren who discusses her 3 training sessions this week

    9. #187 - Tue 8 Dec - Menopause & Work 101 - myth-busting & fact building

    10. #188 - Wed 9 Dec - Why employers must be menopause savvy - the demographics, the business case & the 'legals'

    11. #189 - Thu 10 Dec - Employees & employers responsibilities - what you need to know

    12. #190 - Fri 11 Dec - Clare Davis reviews our first guest takeover week with Lauren Chiren

    13. #204 - Thu 31 Dec - Managing Your Own Mental Health when Working Alone

    14. #214 - Thurs 14 Jan - 'Negotiation for emotional fitness' with Clare & Rebecca

    15. #298 - Monday 17 May - Clare Davis kicks off her 'Emotional Fitness' week

    16. #299 - Tuesday 18 May - Interview with Maxine Hart - Wote Street People

    17. #300 - Wednesday 19 May - Interview with Eloise Shelton - Vanilla Recruitment

    18. #301 - Thursday 20 May - Interview with Paul Metcalfe - Metcalfe Business Solutions

    19. #302 - Friday 21 May - Clare Davis shares her findings from the interviews in her 'Emotional Fitness' week

    20. #344 - Wed 21 Jul - Clare Davis and her book 'Emotional Fitness: A-Z for Positive Mental Health'

    21. #406 - Mon 18 Oct - Lauren and Angela discuss the week ahead on World Menopause Day

    22. #407 - Tue 19 Oct - Lauren gives us her top tips on navigating menopause

    23. #408 - Wed 20 Oct - Lauren discusses how to look after yourself during menopause

    24. #409 - Thu 21 Oct - How to have 'the conversations' surrounding menopause

    25. #410 - Fri 22 Oct - Lauren and Angela review Menopause Week

    26. #431 - Mon 22 Nov - Rebecca and Angela kick off the week with Imposter Syndrome

    27. #432 - Tue 23 Nov - Katherine Jennick (and Adele!) on Imposter Syndrome

    28. #433 - Wed 24 Nov - Kate O'Neill (our DISC Profiling Coach) on Imposter Syndrome

    29. #434 - Thu 25 Nov - Susan Watson on Imposter Syndrome

    30. #435 - Fri 26 Nov - Teresa Harrington on Imposter Syndrome

    31. #567 - Tue 14 Jul - Vanessa Raath talks about diversity in South Africa

    32. #568 - Wed 15 Jul - Jo Major discusses pride, pronouns and inclusivity

    33. #644 - Mon 3 Oct - Clare Davis Mental Health and Well Being week - Introduction

    34. #645 - Tue 4 Oct - Clare Davis Mental Health and Well Being week - Mental Health of Graduates and Apprenticeships

    35. #646 - Wed 5 Oct - Clare Davis Mental Health and Well Being week -Spotting the Signs

    36. #647 - Thu 6 Oct - Clare Davis Mental Health and Well Being week - Psychological Saftey

    37. #648 - Fri 7 Oct - Clare Davis Mental Health and Well Being week - Reflection on the week

    38. #717 - Mon 23 Jan - Clare Davis Mental Health and Well-Being week -Introduction

    39. #718 - Tue 24 Jan - Clare Davis Mental Health and Well-Being week - Vanessa's experience

    40. Copy of #767 - 3 Apr - Neurodiversity Week - Vanessa Raath and her experience with ADHD

    41. Copy of Copy of #768 - 4 Apr - Neurodiversity Week - Alex Moyle and his experince with ADHD and Dyslexia

    42. Copy of #769 - 5 Apr - Neurodiversity Week - Jo Major

    43. Copy of Copy of #770 - 6 Apr - Neurodiversity Week - Renu Gundala

    44. #887 - Mon 25 Sep - The Ultimate Guide to Rebuilding your Self Confidence with Alan Clarke

    45. #888 - Tue 26 Sep Sep - The Ultimate Guide to Rebuilding your Self Confidence with Adebayo Onafuwa

    46. #889 - Wed 27 Sep - The Ultimate Guide to Rebuilding your Self Confidence with Richard Essex

    47. #890 - Thu 28 Sep - The Ultimate Guide to Rebuilding your Self Confidence with Lewis Beaty

    48. #891 - Fri 29 Sep - The Ultimate Guide to Rebuilding your Self Confidence with Jon Hering

About this course

  • Free
  • 270 lessons
  • 52 hours of video content

Our area of expertise

All coaches have years, if not decades of recruitment experience

  • Mindset & Wellbeing

    Recruiting is a stressful job.

    Each day we help Recruiters develop the right mindset as they encounter the recruitment roller coaster

  • Business Development Skills

    We teach 360º Recruiters the mindset, strategy & skills to find & win new clients then retain & grow existing clients in all market conditions

  • Candidate Sourcing
    & Relationship Building

    We help Recruiters develop a robust sourcing strategy that enables them to find, engage and bring to market the candidates that clients cannot find themselves

  • Opportunity Conversion
    & Service Delivery

    We show the 360º Recruiter how to continually improve their fill ratio through prioritisation, client relationship building and proactively managing placement risk in the process

  • Leadership
    & Management

    We support all Managers to develop their teams to be high-performing, improve the performance and skills of the individuals & create a strategy to facilitate the growth of the business itself

  • Marketing
    & Branding

    Putting yourself out there is a key element of attracting business.
    Learn from some of the best coaches in the business and up your digital marketing game at the same time