Course Overview

Marketing candidates is a fantastic way to develop your business. 

Candidates are our product and if we don't showcase our product to the market, how's anyone ever going to know the stock that we've got in our shop?

Though when done badly, we turn into a door-to-door salesperson that's pressuring clients into buying people. 

Whilst speccing out candidates can work for business development, what we're going to do in this course is help you understand WHY it works and HOW to do it well - whether you're working in an agency, or in-house.

Learning Objectives

The knowledge you will you learn and the skills you will practice during the Workout.

  • Understand the purpose of candidate marketing in the business development process

  • Able to choose the best candidate to take to market

  • Able to market a candidate over email

  • Able to market a candidate over the phone

  • Able to market a candidate over video

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to the course

    2. Introduction: Candidate Marketing to build relationships

    3. How to use this course

    1. What is the purpose of Candidate Marketing?

    2. Choosing a Candidate to Market

    3. Additional video: Angela Cripps & Alan Clarke on the benefits of marketing (speccing) out your candidates

    1. Marketing a Candidate by Phone

    2. Marketing a Candidate by Email

    3. Marketing a Candidate by Video

    1. Candidate Marketing Challenge

    1. Additional resource: Marketing Your Candidates webinar

    1. Before you go...

    2. More resources for you

About this course

  • £45.00
  • 13 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content